After Dinner at Coca restaurant on 4th Nov, we went on for a short shopping spree at Takashimaya and Paragon for some last min items before the arrival of Baby Teagan.
Wow ! Christmas is in the air ! Everywhere is so beautifully decorated and the atmosphere of Christmas just makes people smile. :) So excited & happy that we have a new member in our family this Christmas.
10:31 PM

share with you all more of my pix okie.
12:32 AM

Hey!i am 13 days old today. look at my pictures from my 4th or 5th day... Am I cute,adorable, handsome? hehehe.... Mommy said I am her little piggie boy "Xiao Zhu Zhu".
12:20 AM

My mommy Esther discovered she was pregnant on 22 Mar 2007 after doing her own test at home and that was 1 day after her birthday. She informed my Daddy about it and they went to the nearest GP in the evening together with my brother to confirm the test is correct and receive the Good News of Year 2007! hahaha. God has blessed them with another baby !
I was only about 4 weeks old.
Thereafter, mommy booked an appointment with KK Women & children hospital for the 1st appoint on 12 April. There they calculated my gestation and confirm my EDD is 17 Nov. After a few check ups, her gynae suggested that she go for FTS "First Trimester Screening" on 9 May to test for Down Syndrome as my mommy is not keen to go for any invasive test which carry risks of miscarriage cos she had a miscarriage in 2005. My parents certainly treasure me so much that they only want the best for me. Thank God for their love ! While doing this FTS scan, the Doctor press so hard on my mommy's tummy that i kept turning my head away, and the doctor 1st detected my nasal bone and then she pressed so hard the 2nd time and told my mum that I have a thick neckfold. So after that, my parents were told to wait while she calculate the risk. Guess wat ! the doctor said that my risk of Trisomy 21 is 1:16 ! My parents were quite shocked to hear of this but they just did not want to go for any further test as they do not want to take any risk to lose me.
However, God has given them the peace that surpass all understandings and they approached their close friends Aunty Rachel, Auntry Chris, Frank Kor Kor and their CGL Aaron to pray for me. Most importantly, they believe that if God is for them and no one can be against them and they keep their faith and believe that God will bless them with a healthy baby.
During the next appointment with her gynae, my mommy even told her that she has faith and she believes in MIRACLES and decline the aminio test which the gynae suggested because she doesnt want to be bothered by the anxieties to wait for the results if she proceed with the test, and most importantly, she know deep in her heart that God will turn the situation around if I really have down syndrome and the result is accurate. She chose to trust God that HE will bless them with a Healthy and NORMAL baby without down syndrome in every aspects. In order not to be affected by negative comments, she changed her gynae, and there and then, she contacted KK to ask for Dr Arthur Tseng who has attended to her during one of the emergencies that happened on 1st May. My mommy woke up in the morning with some spotting and Daddy rushed her to the A&E to check and ensure my heartbeat is still there.
Dr Arthur Tseng is a very friendly and handsome Doctor who is very patient and easy going. He doesnt rushed throught the consultation and is always very encouraging. Though he did not deny the calculation done by the other doctor but he want to ensure that they are prepared even if their baby has down syndrome. My mommy just want to be positive and carry on with her pregnancy feeling peaceful and filled with God's grace and joy. She enjoyed her pregnancy and so did I while I was inside her womb. Thank you Mommy for your love and never give me up. Thank you for the faith you have in JESUS and thank you all the aunties and Kor Kor I mentioned earlier for praying with my daddy & mommy, and the Faith that God has created me a healthy and cheerful baby. I am God's creation and I hope to be a blessings to my parents and family and those around us. Thank you God for helping me grow and develope well from a foetus to a full term baby.
Finally, on 14 Nov, during the LSCS, Dr Arthur Tseng told his operating theatre assistants that i am in high risk of down syndrome and do watch out for anything during the operation. At the point when Dr Arthur saw my face, he quickly tell my mommy the good news that her baby looks normal. My mommy said "Thank GOD" and then tears of JOY start flowing from her eyes.
Okie, seems I have been talking alot ya. How can a baby talk so much. hehe. Watch me grow ya.... I love you GOD. I love you Daddy & Mommy. GLORY TO GOD FOREVER !
11:46 PM

Hello everybody ! I am Baby Teagan. I have arrived at theKK Hospital by LSCS on 14 Nov afternoon and I am so blessed to be the 2nd baby BOY of my proud Daddy & Mommy. Thank you my brave mommy for giving birth to me through Caesarean section. Thank you Dr Arthur Tseng for doing such a wonderful job to deliver me out of my mommy's warm & comfortable belly. hehehee... Oops ! I forget to thank my Daddy Dino also for talking to me and praying for me all the time before i come out, and of course thank you my brother terry for reading Bible stories to me so often. hahaha :) Eveyone says I look like my brother Terry when he was a baby, let see if I look like him as i grow okie. Let's find out... :) Anyway, i am glad to look like my brother or my daddy or my mommy. I believe they are all good looking people in Jesus. AMEN. Thank God for His grace & blessings ! Hear me share more about my story in my next posting okie. See ya
11:36 PM

YUM YUM Yummy Indian Curry & Tasty COCA Steamboat.
Greedy mommy was craving for Curry on 3rd Nov sat afternoon, so Daddy Dino suggested we have lunch at MUTHU CURRY @ suntec (our usual hangout on Sat afternoon before going service at Expo).
Look ! even Terry know how to enjoy Indian Curry. no wonder he can imitate the M1 ads "Hello...Indian Curry house" so well. :D
In order to satisfy my tastebud and not feeling guilty to eat so much before Baby Teagan's arrival in 10 day's time, we had steamboat at Mommy esther's favourite steamboat restaurant "COCA" at Ngee Ann city. Look at the steam comming out from the pot of tasty chicken soup! ;)
11:28 PM