* the me *
Daddy Dino,Mommy Esther, little Terry and baby Teagan. Family of four. Shine like a STAR,sparkling in the Sky.Let the STAR lead Our way..HE will walk with us all the time.

* melody box *

You are now listening to JAY CHOU'S "NIU ZAI HENG MAN"!

* talk with me *

* other places *

* before these *
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
April 2009
April 2010

* credits *
design | LyLe
image | kasy

* Friday, January 25, 2008 *

Yo! when mum & dad celebrated my 1 month old with family and friends, they ordered some goodies as door gifts for our guests from Sweet Surprise and was given a voucher to do a free photoshoot at Pix & Portraits. My mommy & daddy brought me to the studio at United Square in early Jan, I wasnt in a very good mood that day. The shop & the photographer looked pretty strange to me and the studio was rather stuffy. I was wondering to myself .... chey ! why should i let this strange guy take any pix of me when I am not even in the mood to do so. So I threw some tantrums and refused to let the photographer shoot any of my pix by cyring loud ! He has no choice but to advise my mommy to bring me back another time.Then 2 weeks later, daddy & mommy brought me there again, this time, the place looks more familiar to me and my mood is much better, and they managed to take a few nice smiling pictures of me. Hah ! Don't u think i look handsome & chubby in this poster? but don't u dare pinch my chubby cheek when u see me ya. hehehe.

12:35 AM
* Saturday, January 5, 2008 *

7:36 AM
* *

Hi there, its been quite a while since my mommy update our blog. She is so busy everyday attending to me. Changing diapers, Breastfeeding & Bottle-feeding, attend to office work sometimes, and also bringing me to my grandmother's house in the afternoon. Hey ! I really enjoy "kaikai". Usually my daddy will pick us up around lunch hour and if I do not get to leave our home by that hour, I will start crying. Guess mommy & daddy already knew it by now that I love to go out. Cos it's kind of boring staying home whole day and doing nothing. While I stay at grandma's house being loved and pampered by Ah Gong & Ah Mah, Dad & Mom can take a break. Look how sensible I am at just 7 weeks old. haha. Recently I have learnt to appreciate those who has been taking care of me by giving them a cheeky gummy grin. ;) Mommy loves it! She got so happy and kept asking me to smile again and again. Of course, I smile to my mommy the most ! she deserves it. hehe

7:17 AM