Thank you Mom & Dad for buying me this Baby Car Seat. It is so comfortable.I can just sleep comfortably & safely when I doze off at times. I can also enjoy the sight-seeing while sitting comfortably in the car. Most importantly, it is much safer as compared to be held in an adult's lap while the car is moving. My mom & dad are very particular and will scold if my ge ge move or make too much noise inside the car. He was also seated in such car seat when he was a baby. I just wonder why some parents never bother to belt up their kids in their cars.
10:42 PM

Guys ! U saw my ah Gong's picture in the previous posts right ? Let me tell you more about my Ah Gong. We have a date every evening. Everyday, I look forward to this daily evening date with my Ah Gong at the Playground just below his block. Around 5plus in the evening, when I see ah gong come home from work, I get very excited. I will smile to him, move my arms and legs very vigrously to show him my excitement. He will usually take his shower 1st before he carries me in his arms. My Ah Gong can carry me for a long time without complaining. hahaha. He has strong arms. Same as my daddy. The only person who cant carry me very long is my mommy but it's ok. She will sit down with me and put me on her lap. I enjoy that too as I can feel her warmth just like when I am inside her tummy. :))) I like to go downstair playground and I like car rides. Guess many babies like me enjoy that too. errr Wait wait wait !! I like COW ride too. But i think u can't see the cow in one of the photos here.
10:10 PM

Time flies ! my ge ge Terry is getting more & more used to having a baby brother after being the only child in the family for 7 years. We are enjoying each other's company and I like to watch my ge ge in action all the time. He is a very active boy and our mom & dad agree that I am gonna be either like ge ge or even more active. Ge Ge is not strong enough to hold me in his arms like other adults do yet but he could hold me when I am inside my play pen or sitting down. Soon I will be able to play with my ge ge..and I really look forward to having fun with him.
9:57 PM

Look how fast I could flip and roll when I orn orn. My mommy has to put a piece of soft mattress next to my own mattress to prevent me from hitting the wall when I flip and roll. She always found me turning 360 degree by mid nite when she wakes up to check on me. or rolled to the end of the wall. Mom..i gonna learn how to crawl very soon yah. Are u excited about that ?? heehee
2:20 AM


celebrating my Ah Gong's birthday cum Mother's Day on 3 May at LongBeach Restaurant @ IMM. Mommy bought ah gong a oreo cheese cake. Too bad I cant eat yet.. but it looks yummy.
2:24 AM
remember some time ago my ge ge terry crowned me the Du Du (pacifier) king ? few days ago, he crowned me the Teether King. How imaginative he is ya...gotta learn from him.
9:21 AM

Look at my hair..dont u tink they have grown much ? my mommy loves my hair style so much and she insisted that I keep it instead of shaving me botak as suggested by some people or even to trim it. She trimmed for me few times already anyway. But this picture of mine look abit like a girl girl, do I? of course not la hahaha ! recently, when mommy & daddy brought me & ge ge out, 1 lady from a shop told my mommy "eh your baby look like a boss and very man hor"hehehe.
My ge ge also beginning to be more and more man these days... Look at him & my mommy. He now behaves like a young gentleman and mommy also loves him alot. Ge Ge, I know u thought mommy loves me more cos I am a little baby, but I tell u, I could see the way she hugs you, rest assured, she loves you just as much. Both of us are always her little prince charmings. You are her elder prince and I am her baby prince. So dont worry..we both are the apples of her eyes now and forever.
8:59 AM

I have almost master the skill of sitting up. mommy saw this comfortable looking chair chair at Tom & Stephanice @ Tiong Bahru Plaza after visiting my Granny (see her pic above) today and showed daddy the chair. Both of them agreed that it looks quite good and they let me try sitting on it. I was happy and excited to be seated in this new chair chair, and was like bouncing up and down. So mommy say...buy la buy la..since they want me to sit comfortably & safely on a new chair chair. My Ah Gong mentioned that it isnt safe to put me in a walker..so they think this chair should be quite good. Thank you mommy & daddy for buying this new chair chair for me ok. Next time I grow up, i buy you a Rocking Chair.
8:51 AM
Remember the GAP Bear Bear my mommy & xiao gu are crazy about. Mommy saw some baby clothings on sales at IMM (3 for S$12.00) and she went to take a look. Guess what ! she found some rompers with the Gap Bear Bear again.. hahaha. So she couldnt resist it and bought me some. But this time she saw one which has many stars and she thinks it will look nice on me.
Let me model the rompers for u guys to see. Cute right ? me or the bear bear ? heehee.. guess u will say I am cuter right ! Thanks ya.
8:46 AM