Phew.... so fast its almost end of Oct. Been quite sometime mommy did not update our blog.
These days dad & mom are really busy. Every nite they have to pick my brother from student care and then fetch me from my nanny's house. I will be turning 1 year old soon and mommy is planning a small party for me. Thanks mom ! I know u really love me alot.. and I love u too.
This period of time, I have grown very much. I can walk already. In fact I started standing up very steadily when I was only 7 months plus..and every day, i practice standing up and walking around my playpen holding on to the side. By around 9 months, I could actually walk around the coffee table in our hall by holding on to the rim of the table. Around 10 months, I walk like no body business and explore the whole house. How nice it is to be able to do that ! I have also spoken my 1st word which is "take". and "there" and "mamam" and "mama" and "dada". Prasing the lord with my 2 hands lifted up is what I like to do very much. And clapping my hand of course. and signally "chou chou" when I smell somthing yacky. "Shan Nao Jing" is also what i am very good at doing.. hehe
Very soon, I will be able to talk to my mommy & daddy & ge ge terry. I am sure u guys cant wait to chat with me right? hohoho